I recently gave a talk to Cambridge alumni on what I think the major Chinese banks might do in the future. I’m giving a version of the talk in Singapore and Hong Kong in February. There is a short video of me on this topic on YouTube in case you’re interested. (It’s also on the Cambridge Judge Business School website).
I became interested in Chinese banks mainly because I suddenly started meeting so many people from them. In Cambridge we have hosted executive education courses for several of the largest Chinese banks, including ICBC (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, the world’s largest bank by market value and profits) and ABC (Agricultural Bank of China). ABC has also sent students to the Master of Finance course and we currently have a student from China Construction Bank. In Beijing I met people from a number of other key Chinese financial institutions, including the People’s Bank of China (the central bank) and CIC (the sovereign wealth fund). I’m some way from being an expert on the Chinese financial system but the presentation and the video are work in progress towards more detailed research in future.
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