The new class

posted in: Admissions, MFin, Programme, Students | 1

Another year begins…  While most people think of a year as starting in January, the cycle in Cambridge gets going in September (when the new MFin and MBA students arrive) and fully in October (when official term starts and the … Continued

Better business writing

posted in: MFin, Programme | 2

I try to write clearly and have always encouraged my students, and my former analyst colleagues, to do the same. This is because: i) it’s polite to make things easy for your reader (whom you should think of as a … Continued

Serial masters degrees

posted in: Admissions, Finance sector, MFin | 0

One reason we reject some candidates before interview is because they recently did another masters degree, including an MBA. On occasions the applicants are doing one masters while applying for another. This might seem as if we’re rejecting people with … Continued